aaaaand pretty much stayed there till dinner time. I wish I could say something exciting and edgy about the beach, but I spent most of my time floating:
Here's what I can say that's exciting and edgy: I was featured in a newspaper!! (and when I say "I" I mean PRESHCO the program I'm in.) Please take note of me and Robyn in the top right corner. You'll be able to recognize me as the one who looks bored and kind of scary zombie-esque.

Anyway so after watching the sun set on my bus ride home we came back and talked with our host mom about... .... .... something in Spanish. Then, instead of curling up in my nice warm bed and shnuggling with Kitty, we went out. Again. And although I was too tired to make it to any of the discotechas, I did enjoy myself a huge bright blue gummi drink.
I'll leave with a goal update:
Spanish: v. low - probably learned more German than Spanish in Malaga
Fun: v. low - beaching is CLEARLY cheating.
Heels: low - tripped again last night in flip-flops, did not fall, did not scream. Improvement?